Wednesday, September 23, 2009

no secret handshake

Was it over? Was the goddamn concert over? Billy would have never known it. No one seemed to be ready to leave. He had to wonder if the population had exploded and there would be new residents in the area. He tried not to think about it. It made him nervous.

Of course, Elliot got to talking to Vilma who had taken an interest in Elliot's parents. It was like he/she was the daughter they never had. Thank God, somebody to get off their backs. Plus Vilma had a little extra something to keep Billy from losing it. His brownies were super wicked yet mellow. Yeah, at least Billy was vegging out during this process of clean up.

But it was Michael that Billy couldn't stand the most. He saw the way he looked at Elliot. And the fact Michael thought he was a god of some kind on that motorcycle of his.

"You're not going anywhere with him, are you?" Why were they talking so much? It infurated Billy. It was hard to keep his cool around Mr. Bubble butt. Naturally, he couldn't remember what Elliot told him. He was getting a little blurry on things these days.

"What? You're calling him Mr. Bubble butt?" Vilma thought that was so damn funny. Of course, they were both high when Billy mentioned it to him. "You just want his ass."

"I have my own ass to fuck," Billy meant Elliot, and he certainly didn't want Michael to have a piece of it.

"Honestly, dude, I don't think you have a thing to worry about." Vilma told Billy. "I think Elliot is all yours. He's a pretty practical guy. He's just not gonna give it up for anybody."

"Really?" Billy was serious. This was serious shit. "You think I make him happy?"

Vilma just smiled. "You know something dude, I never ever thought I'd hear those words come from your mouth, but I'm certain, you make Elliot happy." They got high then and Billy watched Elliot walk away with Michael, hoping they did nothing more than a handshake.


Anonymous said...

love the new header!

cass and cady said...

That is cool. the header. hmm..everyone needs Vilma around.